Today is the 12th day after Christmas, also called Epiphany. It's the day the three kings visited the little baby Jesus. It's also the traditional day to take down your Christmas tree. At least according to an
article I read in the WSJ this morning. I take down my tree on the 1st or 2nd of January (depending on the level of my hangover on the 1st).
What: This year I identified 5 ornaments (apologies to those who gave them to me as gifts) that I can get rid of.
Why: I haven't used any of these on my tree.
Where: This one is tricky. They are nice, and some even have the tags still on. I would like to try to sell them online, but who buys ornaments in January? I could save them until November and try to sell them in a more appropriate season... but that kind of goes against this whole thing. I'm going to give ebay a go and see what happens. I'll update with my progress.
Update: So I'm attempting to sell 2 of them on ebay. The rest are going in the Garage Sale Box. Including the creepy snowman.
1/8/10 - Update #2: The 2 sold! For $9.00! Here's the breakdown.
Sale price: $9.00
Shipping charged: $5.00
Listing Fees: ($1.24)
Actual shipping: ($5.35)
NET: $7.41